Results of Academic Writing Contest 2012

Director's Prize

No awardees

Undergraduate Division

First Prize

Mohd Asri Ahmad Ruiz Bin(Faculty of Science and Technology , First Year Level)
「Laughing at Each Other,Together」

Honorable Mention

High School Division

First Prize

Mariko Morioka(Keio Shonan Fujisawa Senior High School, Third Year)
「The "Diet"Delusion」

M.T.(Keio Shonan Fujisawa Senior High School, Third Year)
「In Support of Capital Punishment」

Honorable Mention

Hino Yukako(Keio Shonan Fujisawa Senior High School, Third Year)
「Convenience Stores and the Japanese Community」

Correspondence Courses

First Prize

No awardees

Honorable Mention

No awardees

*Affiliation and grade are those at the time of receiving the award.