Academic Writing Contest 2020 審査結果

2020年度は、高校生部門1件、大学生部門26件、通信教育課程部門4件の合計31件の応募がありました。 審査結果と講評は以下のとおりです。

所長賞 Director's Prize

小林 亜伽里 (文学部 4年)
Food and Fasting in The Book of Margery Kempe

高校生部門 High School Division

優秀賞 First Prize


次席 Honorable Mention

小野 航平 (高等学校 1年)
The significance of translating for Haruki Murakami

大学生部門 Undergraduate Division

優秀賞 First Prize

清水 勇蔵 (商学部 4年)
Quantifying Flood Risk Impact on Residential Property Market in Tokyo

次席 Honorable Mention

キム ミンジュ (経済学部 2年)
Activism in the Marketplace

瀬藤 友紀 (経済学部 2年)
Masculinity and Its Impact on the US College Admission System in the Early Twentieth Century

通信教育部生部門 Correspondence Courses

優秀賞 First Prize


次席 Honorable Mention

小関 雄介(通信教育課程 法学部)
Necessity of Establishing International Environmental Standards to Prevent Pneumoconiosis on the Moon

※ 所属・学年は2020年度のものです。受賞論文は後日掲載します。


This year I am happy to report that a number of the papers we received were quite impressive. The papers that earned top prizes among the university students, in particular, are in some cases far beyond what I would have expected from a university student in terms of both the level of the research and the quality of the writing itself; they were much closer to what I would expect from someone already in graduate school working on an advanced degree.

Even when looking at the way the papers were on the whole formatted, while there were certainly problems in some cases, the percentage of papers that were properly formatted was higher than it has been in the past.

However, the judges also identified what seemed to be new trends that might be cause for concern. The current generation of students is a generation that grew up with the internet, and this generation is therefore quite skilled when it comes to accessing information online. That in itself is a good thing, but its consequences in the context of academic writing have the potential to be both good and bad. On the one hand, students now are able now to access high quality academic sources quickly and easily, and many students have been able to integrate the information found in these high quality sources into their papers. On the other hand, however, while it is now easier than every to find a lot of information on any topic with a quick google search, much of that information is from sources that are not sufficiently academic in nature, and in quite a few cases the information found in these sources is of such low quality that it simply cannot be trusted. Many of the papers that were submitted this year were written by students who were aware of this distinction, and who were therefore able to focus on the high-quality academic sources and disregard the less reliable sources, but not all students were able to successfully make this distinction. And even among the papers that impressed us, some were more journalistic, and in that sense less academic, than we would have liked.

Nevertheless, as I stated at the beginning, on the whole the judges were quite impressed with the papers we received this year. We are quite hopeful that this trend will continue in the future.