
The Research Center for Foreign Language Education hosts various lectures and workshops relating to foreign languages.
There is also an English essay contest held every year.
Why don't you all join us?

Major Events


The Research Center for Foreign Language Education hosts lectures by people active in professions related in some way to foreign languages.

Lectures to be held in AY 2023

"Plurilingual for Business"

Lecturer : Takehiro Daito
(AKAI inc.)
Date : December 5 (Tue.), 2023
Eligibility : Keio University undergraduate and graduate students


The aim of the workshops is not merely to get people to learn a foreign language, but to learn through directly experiencing living languages, to actually speak and utilize the foreign languages they have learned, and to make use of their linguistic abilities in business contexts and conference presentations.

Workshops to be held in AY 2024

"Presentation Skills in English 2024"

Date : October 29 (Tue.), 2024
Lecturer : Nicholas Henck (Professor of the Faculty of Law)
Eligibility : Keio University undergraduate and graduate students

*persons with intermediate to advanced English proficiency (The lecture and activities for this workshop are all conducted in English.)

Academic Writing Contest
*The contest is currently under consideration for renewal; it will not be held in 2023 and 2024.

An "Academic Writing Contest" (an English Essay Contest) is held every year.
There is also a workshop held in advance on writing essays in English.

Related workshops

"Academic Writing Workshop 2024"

Date and venue : [Basic course]October 16 (Wed.) 6:20pm-7:50pm
Hiyoshi Campus
[Advanced course]November 15 (Fri.) 6:20pm-7:50pm
Mita Campus
Eligibility : Keio University high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, and correspondence course students

*DVDs containing footage of the workshop are available for loan from the offices for the Research Center for Foreign Language Education at Hiyoshi (viewing is limited to the study room located in the Third Building on Hiyoshi Campus). Please inquire at these offices if you would like to borrow a DVD.

*The DVDs are not available for viewing currently.


TOEIC® is a standardized test held in approximately 150 countries around the world that broadly evaluates English communication ability.
The TOEIC®L&R-IP Test is held twice a year at the Research Center for Foreign Language Education in June or July and November.